1. If you are going to be in Lewiston this weekend, make sure to stop in to Crop, Paper, Scissors to get your family photos taken! They will have a basic black background, as well as a Christmas scene set up; the prices are amazing!
2. Evan turned 20 months yesterday...I can hardly believe it. His new favorite words are "Lola," from the Disney show Charlie and Lola. He likes to really enunciate the l's... so it's more like "Llllollla". He also likes to say "bye" whenever the front door closes (even if it is just the UPS man). He also likes to pick the up the remote likes it's a phone and say "hello" into it :-)
3. I started, and finished, a clear Christmas album tonight. I used Ali's design from the December Creating Keepsakes magazine, and it came together in record time.
4. Mark has been super busy working on his latest project: Aerial Photography. He flies RC airplanes, but has wanted to put an actual camera on one for a long time. He finally did it, and some of the shots he has gotten are amazing! Because of the beautiful winter weather, he has been going out into some open fields to fly. Check out his website!
I think that is everything...have a fantastic Friday!
Mark, Evan, and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family this year. We were lucky enough to host in Pullman; my mom, dad, and sister made the trip to see us. Following a day of eating (then eating some more...), the women of the house got up early (5:15am early) and did some "black Friday" shopping at Shopko. It was crazy! We did score some awesome deals, but I was tired by 5:00pm that night!
Clear Christmas ornaments I decorated with letter stickers from Scenic Route.
Home made gift tags using a circle punch + to/from stamp + red ink. Love how they turned out.
I am officially way too excited for Christmas... ;-)
I ran out of stick pins before finish it, but I am so proud of how it is turning out! Mark was really helpful, and sorted/placed buttons on the tree. It was a great pre-Thanksgiving project: relaxing and spending time together.
I am so thankful to have a husband who enjoys art as much as I do.
...so no photos today. I've come down with this awful cold/sinus infection...and I am supposed to go to the Gladish Center tomorrow and take proctored exam! Yikes!
I do have a few exciting things to share:
1. Check this out!!! Kristi W. called me Friday morning to tell me I had won. I couldn't believe it! 1577 people entered, so I was surprised to say the least! :-)
2. I totally want to make one of these for Christmas! I love all of her fantastic Christmas ideas... especially these. I ordered a set and they are on their way...
3. Crop, Paper, Scissors is having a family photo shoot November 30th, December 1st, and December 2nd. They will have professional backdrops (one black, one a Christmas scene), and several great photographers on hand (me included!!!). Call the store to reserve a time slot!
4. I'm thinking about taking this class in January. I could use some organization in my life, and I love Big Picture Scrapbooking!
5. I put this on my Christmas wish list...I love the idea of "see-through" products.
6. I have loved reading her book over and over...and I love her blog on the Creating Keepsakes website. It is so cool that she's pregnant!
Hopefully I will be feeling better soon so I an post photos of all the projects I have been working on. Happy Monday!
Yesterday was stressful. Evan woke up around 9am; when I went into his room, he had thrown up over everything in his crib, on the floor, and all over himself. Around 4 o'clock, Mark came home from school complaining of a stomach ache, and he spent the rest of the evening getting sick. Me? I haven't felt the least bit ill. Thank goodness. So despite having mounds of laundry to do, dishes to clean, and a house that is unusually cluttered, I spent last evening scrapbooking! I really wanted to get some layouts done and let go of the stress from the day. I would say I accomplished my goal:
This was a layout class I taught MONTHS ago....it had the photos on it, but no embellishments or journaling. It feels so good to get it done!
This was the first Page of the Month I did for Crop, Paper, Scissors. Again, photos, but no journaling/extra embellishments. I can finally put it in my "family" album!
This layout didn't have photos or journaling/title...until last night! I taught a "Christmas Layouts" class last November, but just hadn't gotten around to actually finishing it.
Lisa Bearnson's June KOTM...I love the way it turned out! I did some tweaking to the original design, and I used Ali Edward's layout as inspiration. The boys are feeling much better today, so I am hopefully going to get some work done around the house. Have a great weekend!
I have about 2 minutes before Mark finishes giving Evan a bath, then my job starts (a story and milk), so I have to type fast! Evan had a great time as a Dalmatian last night! We took a ton of pics, ate Evan's candy, and gave him his first sucker, which he loved.
Our very adorable puppy :-)
The loot.
Waiting at Derek and Karen's door.
Home decor project, which is hanging in my studio. I know Halloween is over, but it is too cute to take down!
Welcome to my little piece of cyberspace! My blog started as a way to document my son, Evan, as he grew up. Almost nine years later, my blog is a place for me to share everyday moments, crafting projects, and pictures of my two beautiful boys. We live in sunny Florida and I am currently a full time student and work as a substitute teacher.