The Beach.
When I visited Florida back in 1999, one of my most vivid memories is the beach in Cocoa. I loved the warm salt water of the Atlantic ocean, the beautiful sandy beaches, and the the warm breeze coming in off the water. When Mark and I took the kids the beach in Melbourne on Sunday, it was exactly how I remembered it.
I have to say that Mark and I didn't prepare for this trip very well. The kids were in pants, we didn't bring towels or extra clothes, and we didn't have "beach stuff". Evan pointed out to me several times that we need to bring "beach stuff" next time.
A view to the north from our spot on the beach.
Jack was very unsure of the sand. Specifically wet, sticky sand. He didn't mind the dry sand, but when we walked on the wet sand he sat on his bottom with his hands in the air. Can you tell by the look on his face that he had no interest in touching it?
Running away from a wave.
I love this shot of Evan and Mark. They spent over an hour running in and out of the water, trying not to be knocked over by the waves. 
My attempt at a group photo before heading home. The sun was too bright for Evan, and Jack couldn't wait to get out of the sand (he would hold up a single piece of sand, hand it to me, and say "ick!"), so this is the best I could do.
And a palm tree. I love taking pictures of the palm trees :-)A few more.
Jack loves walking along the sidewalk in front of our house. Mark and I have to be careful because he likes to bolt down the sidewalk as fast as his 21-month-old feet will take him.
Silly boy :-)
Taking a rest.
Painting with sponges. Jack's favorite part was painting his hands, the table, his high chair, and every other surface that wasn't the paper...
... including his forehead.
Jack and pup-pup.
Evan and Rocket.
Playing on the patio before lunch. 

Mark and I enrolled Evan in a new school & he has his first day tomorrow. He will be going five days a week, which is a big change from his schedule in Ohio. He has talked a lot about how much he misses his friends from Ohio and that he wants to go back to school. It broke my heart when we had to pull him from Cornerstone. His teacher was simply wonderful, and he talked about his friends constantly. I hope this school is a good fit for him & our family.
Have a lovely week, friends.