The pages I created yesterday were some of my favs in a long time, so they became my december daily page as well:
And a little of Evan:
P.S. Fall semester is over! Mark finished his last exam at 5pm this evening, and he is off for over three weeks... we couldn't be more excited to have daddy home for a bit.
...well, I had some problems with this one. I picked up my photo from wal-mart today (specifically for this page), and it was awful. The color was terrible, Mark and Evan were blotchy, and the snow in the pic was actually pink. To top it off, I forgot to get ink today. Hopefully I will be getting ink and a new photo for this page tomorrow!
One of my favorite holiday projects I have completed this year is my buttons trees. They simply make me happy.
Mark has finals all next week (and so do I for that matter) so we are going to have a quiet day around the house. Tomorrow night our friends, the Holmes, have invited us to a church Christmas party (complete with a Santa and a Grinch), so I think we are going to attend that. Have a great weekend!
I have been totally enjoying creating my December Daily album... I love capturing little bits + pieces of our lives for an entire month. It is also helping me to try new things, and simply enjoy the moment.
Today Evan created a foam it became my day 4 page:
The journaling reads: This foam wreath was a perfect project for Evan. He was able to stick each berry & leaf on by himself... with only a little help from mama.
The first page is simply a photo of Evan and me working on his wreath, with some making memories wordFetti stickers (these have been great for this project). The second page is a Jenni Bowlin journaling spot. The final page is Evan's completed art project.
On my to-do list this holiday season was to create ornaments for our Christmas tree. And as you can see from previous posts, I was a busy lady! One of my favorite ornaments is a limited addition kit from Jenni Bowlin Studios. I love the milk caps, and the beautiful blue seem binding.
The journaling reads: A new tradition: creating my own Christmas ornaments. I love the handmade feel it gives our tree :-)
I will post my december daily album: day 4 tonight!
What an icky/blustery/snowy/rainy/windy day. I couldn't bare to go outside with such horrible weather! Evan and I were a little stir crazy by 6pm, so we got messy and played with finger paints. I wouldn't say Evan loved it, but he seemed to enjoy smooshing the red and green paint around for a bit. His artful fun become my December daily page:
Need more inspiration? Check out Ali's day 2 looks simply delicious!
***edited After staring at the page for a minute, I decided to take off the wordFetti stickers on the journaling block, and replace them with an American Crafts chipboard arrow in white. When I post my day 3 page tomorrow, I will re-post this page as well. It is almost 1:15am, so I am going to bed!
December has certainly started out wonderfully! I had a "sleep-over" at Kristi W.'s house last night, after several hours of scrapbooking :-) Kristi worked on set of beautiful cards for her mom, and she started a button tree. I worked on a cork + chipboard advent calendar, which is almost done. I am getting my inspiration from my friend, Bethany, who has hers posted on her blog. I should have mine done and put up by tomorrow night. Kristi and I made the trip to Lewiston, and Crop, Paper, Scissors, for a little class prep/page of the month prep/shopping. I started and finished the December page of the month.
The best part of my day? Working on my december daily album! I did page one this evening:
The journaling reads: The first day of Dec. always meant chocolate advent calenders when I was a child. This year, we are passing on that tradition to Evan.
I used a white Sharpie to write on the clear frame + making memories wordFettie stickers + a making memories "e" for Evan.
1. If you are going to be in Lewiston this weekend, make sure to stop in to Crop, Paper, Scissors to get your family photos taken! They will have a basic black background, as well as a Christmas scene set up; the prices are amazing!
2. Evan turned 20 months yesterday...I can hardly believe it. His new favorite words are "Lola," from the Disney show Charlie and Lola. He likes to really enunciate the l's... so it's more like "Llllollla". He also likes to say "bye" whenever the front door closes (even if it is just the UPS man). He also likes to pick the up the remote likes it's a phone and say "hello" into it :-)
3. I started, and finished, a clear Christmas album tonight. I used Ali's design from the December Creating Keepsakes magazine, and it came together in record time.
4. Mark has been super busy working on his latest project: Aerial Photography. He flies RC airplanes, but has wanted to put an actual camera on one for a long time. He finally did it, and some of the shots he has gotten are amazing! Because of the beautiful winter weather, he has been going out into some open fields to fly. Check out his website!
I think that is everything...have a fantastic Friday!
Welcome to my little piece of cyberspace! My blog started as a way to document my son, Evan, as he grew up. Almost nine years later, my blog is a place for me to share everyday moments, crafting projects, and pictures of my two beautiful boys. We live in sunny Florida and I am currently a full time student and work as a substitute teacher.