Blogging comes in waves for me. Some days or weeks I am super excited about it... others, not so much. The last couple of weeks I haven't been in the mood, but I think the blogging bug has finally come back!
We've been busy the last couple of weeks with family in town, mid-terms (Mark), pre-school (Evan), snow, online classes (me), and growing like a weed (Jack):

On Saturday we hosted a mini family reunion with some of Mark's extended family. Thank you Tami, Danielle, Travis, Michelle, Alex, Zoe, Mandy, Aiden, and Tegan for spending your Saturday with us!
I don't think Jack likes his sock monkey hat very much...
Pullman got a nice dusting of snow Friday afternoon. It was about four, so it was getting dark really fast and I didn't get many great photos of Evan and Jack in the snow because it was so dark, but I like this one.
Another Evan-squeezing-the-crap-out-of-his-brother photo. Good thing Jack is a happy baby and doesn't mind being squished :-)6 months old and sitting up on his own.
Evan and I went to a WSU men's basketball exhibition game last Monday with Cindy and Ray. Evan was so good and really got into clapping and cheering for the cougs during the second half. The skittles and juice I bought him during half time must have kicked in! At one point during the first half, LCSC had missed a bunch of shots in a row and Evan turned to me and said: "Mom, are they trying to miss?" It was super cute!
This little one got his fourth tooth yesterday (upper left). He now has three teeth on the left side of his mouth (one upper, two lower), and only one tooth on the right (lower).
Tomorrow we have a lunch date and I have a ton of laundry to finish before we take off Wednesday for the west side. Mark and I will be in Ohio Thursday through Sunday looking for houses and touring pre-schools. I think I've been in denial about this move up to this point, but the moment I step out of the plane and I am in Kentucky should be a reality check. I just hope I can survive being away from my kids for four days. My poor parents are going to get 500 phone calls during that time as I check to make sure my babies are okay!
Thanks mom and dad for taking our beautiful children for four days... we owe you :-)