Earlier in the year I created a wall/window hanging of butterflies, inspired by Ali Edwards' weekend creative challenges. They have been happily hanging in our family room window for awhile now, and I caught this picture of their shadow this afternoon:
(This is going to be my Project 365 photo for 1/8/2009)
I know, not as cute as the little munchkin, but I thought I should mix it up a bit.
Finished the layout I was working on yesterday:
The journaling reads:
Sometimes life with a two-year-old doesn't go as planned. Putt-putt golf was one of those moments. It just wasn't a great experience for any of us, unfortunately. Evan tried really hard to use the club Tacoma Firs provided, but it was too long. He was more interested in throwing the golf balls at Grandpa than actually golfing. My dad would take his turn, then Evan would run after the ball, pick it up, and hand it back to him... before it got to the hole. I spent most of the time running after Evan as he escaped the course and took off into a neighboring field. All in all, not a successful outing. Rather stressful, actually. I was really disappointed that Evan wasn't more focused, that he wasn't more into the game. But you know what? There is always next year.
I am off to bed. Been a busy, busy day. Evan was extra-sassy this afternoon when our lunch guest was here...I think the "terrible twos" have finally set in. He is great most of the time, but man can he turn on a feisty attitude! He mimics everything and everyone, including pointing/wagging fingers (from me), and stern talking-tos (from Mark). I'm thinking a few visits to the time-out chair might be in order!
Looking forward to a sass-free Friday...