Saturday, June 6, 2009

I finally finished a scrapbook page!

It's digital, and mostly lifted from a couple of favorite people (Ali Edwards & some samples on the Designer Digitals website), but it's done. I'm finding myself severely short on time these days, so I am going to do a lot of "borrowing" from my favorite scrappers. I would rather have the stories told & pages complete than take the time to agonize over details. I am also having a tough time getting back into the creative groove. It will come back, but until it does I am doing more work in PSE 7.0, and concentrating on staying current with my P365 photos. I love taking photos of my new little guy!

Here is the Point Defiance Zoo layout I was working on last week. It has taken me forever to finish! Way longer than it should have, but I'm thrilled with the results. I will compile a complete supply list and post it tomorrow or Sunday.
It's almost midnight & I am still getting up 1-2 times per night with Jack. He loves to cuddle with his mama, and I am happy to oblige :-)

Jack is almost 6 weeks old, and getter bigger every minute. He is getting really good at lifting his head, and he loves to sleep in his swing & Little Lamb bouncer. His brother is pretty fond of him, too.

Our amazing little baseball player. Abby & Mark were pitching to Evan last night in the backyard, which is his new favorite activity, and he he hit a couple of amazing shots, one over the fence into our neighbor's yard. On one pitch he ripped the ball right back to Abby and whacked her in the leg leaving a welt. He can really hit the ball hard!

Mark bought Evan a pair of Spiderman sunglasses when he was in Maryland last month & Evan doesn't leave the house without them. We will be in the garage getting ready to take a walk & Evan will yell "my sunglasses!" and run back in the house for them. They are his most precious possession lately... and darn cute!



Karen said...

Jack looks so much like Evan to me. I'm glad you're doing well & getting out so much (still no baby by the way). Take care.

Steph said...

you're amazing.... I haven't done any scrapbooking for 7 months.... I'm doomed!
He's so cute!!!!