I am going to skip right to the photos... lots and lots of photos from the past 3 weeks:

Jack pointing to his eye at dinner last night.

At the park with Daddy & Evan.

Doesn't Jack look thrilled?!? And yes, his sunglasses are on upside down. That is how he likes to wear them. And who is that big guy sitting next to him? Evan is almost unrecognizable to me sometimes... he is so big. So, so big.

Rocket had a little procedure done last week (so we don't have any little Rockets running around), and he was less than thrilled to have a cone on his head. He actually pouted for the first two days he had to wear it. I didn't know a dog could pout, but Rocket proved they can. It was really pathetic.

I purchased new swim trunks for the boys from Crazy 8 last week. Evan's swim trunks from last year were getting a little short, and Jack's trunks went missing on our trip to Orlando. I know I grabbed them from the dryer on our way out the door, but I haven't seen them since. Luckily Crazy 8 was having a sale and I scored each pair for $6.99.

Jack: "Mommy! Ball! Mommy! Ball! Mommy! Ball" Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

A very pretty weed in our front yard. I snapped this photo right before pulling it out while I was weeding last week.

Jack's crabby/squinty face because Evan stopped pushing him and the sun was in his eyes.

Scott: This picture is for you. And no, I didn't steal the photo from Martha Stewart's blog :-)

Mark brought home the most beautiful orchid last week, and I haven't killed it! I am so proud of myself. Seven days has to be a record for me.

Crazy Jack after a nap last week.

One of my favorite websites for finding cool projects for the kids is No Time for Flashcards. Evan made a superhero bracelet out of a toilet paper roll, foil star stickers, pom poms, and tissue paper. It looked great until Jack pulled all the pom poms and stickers off. He is so two.

On Cindy's last day in Florida we took a trip to Cocoa Beach for about an hour. The water was warm, but it was love bug season so the shallow water was really gross and full of dead love bugs. Jack actually went in the water without crying this trip, and Evan didn't come out of the water for almost an hour.

These pictures were taken before I purchased new swim trunks... notice Jack is just wearing just a swim diaper. That's A+ parenting right there.

My in-laws got Jack this sand bucket set from Melissa and Doug for his birthday. Jack's favorite thing to do at the beach is scoop and dump sand. Scoop and dump. Scoop and dump.


A little painting (which mostly ended up on Jack instead of the paper).

Evan does a much better job at keeping the paint on the paper. And he loves to draw pictures of his favorite people & write their name.

Pretty bird at the Brevard Zoo.

Hello Mr. Alligator. I'm glad you are waaaay over there, and I'm waaaay over here so you cannot eat me. By the way, nice teeth.

My two cuties. Approximately 10 seconds after this photo was taken, Evan's fever spiked and he turned white as a sheet. Poor kid had a nasty virus while Mark was in San Jose on business.

My Jack-Jack sitting like a big boy on the train.

When Cindy was visiting, Evan decided I didn't exist. All I heard that week was "Cindy, sit next to me!" and "Cindy can read to me" and "I'll do play-doh with Cindy!" and "Cindy, sit next to me on the train!".

Getting ready to make a slam dunk, wearing pajamas (of course).

I have absolutely no idea what Jack is doing in this photo, but he's happy!

One of the best things about the Brevard zoo is how interactive it is. Evan likes the aviary where he can feed the birds birdseed on a stick.

One of the weirdest creatures I have ever seen... and I can't remember the name of it. Cindy, if you are reading this, please comment and tell me what the heck this thing is called. Because all I can think of is "prehistoric turkey". And I know that's not right.

Two more photos from the bird section of Brevard Zoo. Both photos were taken by Cindy Ledgerwood... because she has an awesome zoom lens on her camera.
After looking at this collection of photos from the past few weeks, I've notice several things:
1. Evan needs to be more cooperative about having his photo taken. I have so many more pics of Jack, and that is usually because Evan runs away when I bring the camera out. I might have to start bribing him.
2. Once again, I am absent from most of our photos. And Mark is practically nonexistent, too. I need to fix that.
3. Jack's blonde hair is getting really long. It's about time for a haircut.
4. Evan is looking more and more like a Kindergartner, and less and less like a pre-schooler.
5. The weather in Florida is absolutely wonderful. We've had maybe four bad days in the past five and a half months. I think my parents in Washington have had five good days in same span of time.
6. I know I edited a picture of some cool palm trees, but it didn't make it into this post... maybe next time.
This post has taken me almost four hours to complete because Blogger takes so long to upload photos, so I'm hitting "publish" and calling it good.
Have a wonderful week!
That prehistoric turkey is a cassowary. You crack me up!
You could have posted the photo of you with the pretty birds...I thought that was a good one. I'll send you a shot of you with the boys at the beach so you won't be left out of all the photos.
Hope you are all well!
What is that strange and foreign creature growing on marks face? Is that supposed to be a beard? Combined with the sunglasses it makes him look like a drug dealer, pedophile, or alcoholic with severe hangover (I can only professionally verify the latter.) Since he's an engineer I would be inclined to believe the latter as well. The fact that he has a seemingly passed out dog in his arms seems ominous as well. What did he do to the dog? Perhaps I would rather not know...
I can't believe I'm getting so much flak from a reportedly Mexican drug lord. I would expect some professional courtesy as a fellow member of the face fuzz community. And I put the dog in a choke hold for like two seconds and the wimp passes out. They just don't make quality dogs like they used to... :(
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