My wonderful Aunt and Uncle gave Evan a t-ball set for Christmas this year, which has been sitting in our toy closet un-opened for almost two months. Snow and 30 degree weather has limited our trips to the park, and I have not been brave enough to let my two-year-old swing a bat in our apartment... until yesterday. Evan discovered the box in the back of the closet, and just had to play "basebol" in our living room. I set up the tee, and he figured out how to put the ball on it and take a swing with the yellow foam bat it came with.
Once hitting off the tee was mastered, Mark started to throw under-arm "pitches" to him, using a bigger foam ball. He is a natural! He knows how to hold the bat & Mark tells him to "keep your eye on the ball," which he thinks means to crouch down until he is practially sitting. Very entertaining!
In both of the shots above, Evan has already made contact with the ball and it's flying toward Mark's face :-)
Potty-traning was on a bit of a hiatus during February, but we are back in full swing this week. Not too much planned in the next few days, which is perfect when you don't want to be more than five feet from the bathroom (and paper-towels). Evan had a very successsful "big boy underwear" day, and we are so proud of him! I think he finally gets it! With only nine weeks until baby #2 is here, I really want Evan to be out of diapers. If today is any indication, I think we will make that goal! And my boy looks super cute in his Cars underwear!
Lots of things going on around here today, so I just have time for a quick post w/ some new pics.
My parents visited last weekend. I love watching my dad do push-ups with Evan on his back. Adding almost 40 pounds has to make them a bit harder :-)
Running up and down the hallway wearing Grandpa's WSU hat.
Driving back from Spokane on Monday Evan was way overdue for a nap... and the sun was in his eyes. He took care of both problems by covering himself with his "truck blankie" and snoozing.
Kisses from Grandma.
Evan had an "owie thumb" that needed mending. He has a fear of band aids, which has been remedied by using neon colored bandages. He still pulls them off within a few hours, but better than running around with a hang nail & picking at it.
Not much going on in the Taylor house this week. Evan is fighting a bit of a cold, so we are hanging out here today. It doesn't seem to have dampened his spirits much, thankfully. He really is a super kid, even when sick. He got the flu over Christmas break, and my parents couldn't believe how cooperative he was, even when he was throwing up.
I am taking advantage of nap time to do a little photo editing & organizing. I have signed up for Stacy Julian's Library of Memories class through Big Picture Scrapbooking, as an alumni. I took the class back in 2007, but she has made so many improvements and additions the last year, so I am hoping to refine my system a bit. I got really behind on printing photos last summer/fall, so that is one of my first priorities. I have my "library" started, with all my matching albums. I also started my category drawers during the first session, and have done a pretty good job maintaining them.
Category Drawers...sorry the photo is on a tilt...not really sure why?!?
My Library albums. I use American Crafts black leather D-ring albums. I have seven albums in my library system right now, although two of the albums are full and I need to start "v.2" in that category. Right now they fit perfectly on a long, narrow bookshelf in my studio, but if I add an album, they will have to find a new home. Still working on a solution for that little problem.
He and I were playing Clifford Bingo in my office this afternoon, and the lighting was perfect for some indoor/natural light photos. I bribed (yes, I now have to bribe my kid to sit through a photo session), and got a couple of really cute shots of the little monkey.
We are looking forward to Valentine's Day on Saturday, as well as a visit from my folks that afternoon. I believe we are shopping for baby bedding & toddler bedding, and taking a trip up north on Monday.
I wanted to put a few new photos up on the ol' blog for my dad's computer background. Evan is growing like a weed these days, and practically eating us out of house & home. I'm afraid my folks aren't going to recognize him when they come next week :-)
We aren't sure where the scrunchy nose came from, but I am definitely a fan!
A before-bedtime routine: Mommy, milk, and Lola on the couch.
Wearing Daddy's boots.
Oh boy. Mama's underwear on their heads. In less than three months there will be three of them... and I will be horribly outnumbered. Yikes.
Scrap-lifted this layout from Ali Edwards "Life Artist" book. I used all the beautiful Christmas cards we received and my handy-dandy square punch to create this layout. Thank you Ali for the inspiration!
This was a JBS kit a few months back, and I worked on it on Super Bowl Sunday with a friend. It is super cute in person... not so cute in the picture.
Another Ali Edwards scrap-lift. Super-simple & super cute.
We are off to the Palouse Discovery Science Center tomorrow with some friends. Evan has so much fun hanging out there & tomorrow is there pre-school program. We will be learning about Landforms during the "Just Ask Why" presentation... we'll see how long Evan lasts. The attention span of a two-year-old is a bit unpredictable at times. Wish us luck.
Welcome to my little piece of cyberspace! My blog started as a way to document my son, Evan, as he grew up. Almost nine years later, my blog is a place for me to share everyday moments, crafting projects, and pictures of my two beautiful boys. We live in sunny Florida and I am currently a full time student and work as a substitute teacher.