The tree is still up.
None of the kids' presents have been put away.
Thank you notes have not been made.
Our Christmas cards have not been mailed.
And I am not stressing about it.
We had a lovely Christmas Eve & Christmas Day and I am spending all my spare time with Mark and the kids. While I would like to have my to-do list completed & all my Christmas photos scrapped, it just didn't happen this year. I have made the choice to be okay with what I have accomplished, and focus on one new item from my list per day. Today's item was to pay bills (which I just finished). Tomorrow I will tackle my Christmas cards. Wednesday I plan on taking down the tree and putting the kids' toys away (which is technically two things, but having the toys sitting in the living room without a tree would look silly), and Thursday I would like to tackle the memory card on my camera.
Because my Christmas photos are still unedited, I want to share a few camera photos we've taken the last few days. I love the convenience of having a camera on Mark's android phone. The indoor photos tend to be a little grainy, but I would rather have grainy photos than no photos at all.
(you can click on each picture to make it larger)

On our way to the children's program at church on Christmas Eve.

While I did a bit of shopping at Baby Gap, Mark kept the kids entertained by trying on these adorable hats. I love looking through the photos on his camera and finding these gems!

After spending several hours at the mall today, Jack fell asleep within minutes on our drive home (clutching pup-pup, of course).
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.