Sunday, September 28, 2014

Right Now | Evan

Right now you are playing both soccer and baseball. This is the first time you are tackling two sports during the same season, and it's been a crazy way to start the school year. Unfortunately your first three baseball games were cancelled due to inclement weather, but you are hoping the play your scheduled games this week. 

Right now you love cold pizza, yogurt (without chunks), cheese sticks, granola bars, whole apples that you proudly eat to the core, ham and cheese sandwiches (no condiments), anything sweet, and cereal for breakfast. You are growing, growing, growing and eating a lot throughout the day. You also love cooked green vegetables (peas, green beans, celery, broccoli) and eat those first at dinner time. 

Right now you are excelling at school and brought home your first letter-grade report card. Gone are the "o's" and "s's" and "n's". You are getting all A's and one B... and very proud of your academic accomplishments. Unlike your mama, you are a very good speller. You are reading well above grade level, are fantastic at math, and your teacher noted that you almost always give the correct answer when you raise your hand. You go to ACE once per week, and I love hearing about your adventures with other exceptional students. 

Right now you are taking on more responsibility at home. You help unload the dishwasher, take Bailey for walks, clean your room, put your laundry away, do your homework without complaint, and take out the recycling. You are learning how to be a productive member of our family, and this year you have grown a lot in that department. You still leave your wet towel on your bedroom floor, forget to flush the toilet regularly, and leave your shoes all over the house, but you are navigating age 8 beautifully.

Right now you are 70 pounds and wear size medium pants/shorts, and (mostly) medium shirts. You wear a large shirt at Children's Place. Your shoes are a size 3.5.

Right now you want to play sports inside the house all. the. time. Throwing and diving for the football, playing catch with a baseball, dribbling a soccer ball. It's all sports, all the time with you. 

Right now your best friends are Brayden and Ethan.

Right now you are into Minecraft. You and your brother play the video game, have plush toys, and want to be Minecraft characters for Halloween (you are going to be a creeper). I was sure this obsession would pass, but it hasn't diminished at all. 

Right now you are so very eight. Full of funny jokes (that are guaranteed to be body-part related), sensitivity, love, compassion, curiosity, and purpose. You are shy and quiet at times, but love adventure and special trips and home time. You are so special, Evan, and I love you very much.


Petra Swart said...

What a special post, Erin!!! Loved getting to know your sweet Evan!! Such a pity they grow up so quickly, hey!!!

Have a great day!!!

Erin said...

Thanks Petra! He's a pretty sweet kid.