Wednesday, August 25, 2010


A lot of changes going on around here, which is part of the reason my poor blog has been neglected the past two weeks. The other reason? I'm in a bit of a creative rut... I just haven't been in the mood to take photos/edit photos/create in my studio. Every few months I have a take a break from cardmaking/scrapbooking and do something else. Within a few weeks I'm back to my usual crafty self.

Anyway, our family has several big changes coming up. First, I got a job. I am demonstrating the Cricut machine at Michael's stores in the area. I am working on Sundays, with an occasional Friday or Saturday as needed. My first two shifts went really well, and I had some surprise visitors at the end of my shift on Sunday:

Second, Evan and I are both starting school in a few weeks. I have been thinking about finishing my degree for a while now, and I finalized my schedule last week. I will be studying Graphic Design & hopefully I will finish my degree in 2.5 years.

Finally, Jack has an appointment with a Pediatric Orthopedist tomorrow morning so we can figure out why he isn't walking yet. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post anything about his walking delay, but I decided to let my friends and family know what we are going through. Our pediatrician has no idea what might be causing his delay. Hopefully the specialist will have some answers for us tomorrow & we can start a course of treatment soon (if that is needed).

I have a few photos to share from the past week. The boys & I have been hanging out at the house, going to the Y, playing Playmobil, playing outside, and going to swim lessons.

This is the best smile I can get from Evan these days... he is way too busy to give me a real smile :-)

Evan needs a haircut. His hair gets really course and wavy when we wait too long between cuts.

I know I've said it before, but I adore this little boy's blue eyes. Love, love, love them.

While I was working on Sunday, Mark took the boys to the air museum in Dayton. Most of the photos from inside the museum were dark, but I love this one of Evan pushing his baby brother in the stroller. Jack looks bored, and Evan can barely see over the top of the stroller :-)

Evan is still taking swim lessons, but this session is at the YMCA. He is really enjoying it, and we will continue with lessons through the fall. Starting in September, Jack will also take a swim class with Mark. Our weeks are going to be really busy between swim, soccer (for Evan), pre-school, my classes, my job, and Mark working 50+ hours per week. After our relaxing, lazy(ish) summer, this is going to be quite the adjustment for us.

Wish us luck .




Dino said...

At first glance I totally thought you were demonstrating the "circuit" machine. For that I was going to give you some major nerd credit. I will still give you the credit as it's the highest honor that I can bestow anyone given my degree in nerd, that and I would likely have no clue how to operate the cricut machine anyway (I also have an honorary degree in rocket surgery).

I can't wait to see you guys next week!

Mark said...

Those little Cricut machines are diabolical. It's a tiny CNC machine who's destiny is to cut up scrapbook card stock into cute little shapes! I wonder if it trudges through life dreaming of greater things (like Wally the trash compacting robot who saves mankind from a life lost in space).

Cass said...

Hey, it's great to see an actual picture of YOU in here! .... isn't that how it goes? .... Mom the photographer barely shows up!
Congrats on the job! ... I happen to know you're a great teacher of all things scrapbooking/paper creating!

Erin said...

Dion... I'm not cool enough to demo a circuit. Sorry! We can't wait for you to get here. See ya' Friday!

Thanks Cass! Mark doesn't take nearly enough pictures of me :-)