Thursday, March 26, 2009

My blue-eyed baby boy...

... is turning three on Saturday. I heard the older your kids get the faster time goes by & I have to say I believe it. Especially in the last two or three months Evan seems to have mastered so many new skills. Drinking out of a cup, potty-training, moving into a big-boy bed (that is a task for this coming Saturday or Sunday), & his language has improved so much. He can now follow two directions with minimal distractions, and he is really understanding what Mark and I say to him.

We were talking this evening about the new baby, and he said something really cute:

me: "Evan, you know you are going to be a big brother, right?"
Evan: "Yes. Baby come out and play with me. I be gentle."
me: "You will be gentle?"
Evan: "Yes. But we play."

I tried to explain that the baby won't really be able to play with him right away, but I don't think he got that. At least he understood he needs to be gentle to our new little one :-)

Mark was gone for most of the day (and night... he's still at work!), so it was just the two of us at home. Evan got so many cool things for his birthday, one of them being a soccor goal and size 3 soccer ball from Auntie Abby. I don't think the intention was for it to be an indoor toy, but with it only 37 degrees outside and snow & sleet coming down, playing outside wasn't really an option today. Mark helped me put it together on Monday, and Evan has been scoring goals like crazy:

I'm not sure what the funny arm thing he is doing is all about. I am definitely not the most graceful person, so he might have inherited a little bit of spazziness from his mama!

Yesterday I was getting ready to put Evan to bed and he asked me to take "pitures" of him... most importantly his eyes:

And his "whale," which is actually the uvula. Why does he call it a "whale"? I have no idea, but I think it's cute!

Tomorrow is a grocery shopping day, with a little scrapping and card making in the evening.
Thank you cards & Project 365 are calling my name!

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