Evan, Jack, and I made it home safely last night after another long drive... over six hours! We made a couple of stops, but it really wasn't too bad. Evan was so helpful with Jack during the drive... he would make faces at Jack and talk to him, which Jack loved. He also handed him his toys & would pull his car seat shade down if the sun was in his eyes. Ev is such a good big brother.
Today we just hung out at the house, relaxing and I did a ton of laundry! Mark got to spend some time with the boys:

Jack got a bath before bedtime to help soothe him a bit. He is teething & was seriously crabby tonight. He did great going down for his naps today, but bedtime was a challenge. He just wants to be held while chewing on his thumb. Baby Tylenol does help, but I think his nice warm bath before bed gets him calm & sleepy the best:
All Evan wanted to do today was stare at a screen... the tv, my computer, Mark's computer, or Mark's phone. He wanted to play the Wii, Starfall, and watch Charlie & Lola. I got him distracted with other things most of the day, but he did manage to snag Mark's phone while Mark was in the shower:
Evan also got to spend some time today (and last night) playing with my new toy:
... a real working typewriter! I wanted one for Ali Edwards class through BPS (which starts Thursday!), and my mother-in-law was nice enough to track one down for me:
Of course Mark had to have a turn on the typewriter, and he typed "Hello World", which is a coding phrase. I think it's used when you are testing out new code you've written, to make sure it works properly. Dion, Mark, or Roy: feel free to comment if that isn't right...
We attended Evan's pre-school pot luck last Thursday. This was the only photo we took because my camera was turned on by a certain three year old, and when we arrived at the park it was almost dead. I was so disappointed! But, I was e-mailed some photos of Evan and his friend Ryan by Ryan's mom, which is great! I just wanted to have some photos of Evan playing with his new pre-school buddies!

... and I got my hair cut last Wednesday? Tuesday? I don't remember... but I like that it is so low maintenance!
Evan, Jack, and I visited with my in-laws on Sunday. We had a yummy lunch & played with them for a bit:
Thank you for the typewriter, Debbie!
Saturday my parents, sister, and I took the kids to the Puyallup Fair. This was Evan's third trip to the fair, the other two visits were last year. Evan was so disappointed Mark wasn't going to be there to go on rides with him, so I was worried he wouldn't want to do anything when we go there. I was so wrong! He was a little nervous at first, but once my dad started taking him on rides Evan really got into it. We went through 48 tickets in a little over an hour (thanks mom & dad... and Terri!), then we ate some yummy fair burgers (which were so overpriced) & visited some of the livestock. It was a really fun afternoon:

Instead of waiving to us, Evan was showing us his numbers.
While we were walking back to the car Evan was so tired so he was in the stroller, and my dad was carrying Jack. He is such a great Grandpa!

Evan and my dad going down the big slide.
My dad & I were waiving at Evan and he gave us a thumbs up in return.
We also went to a birthday party for Jayden Saturday evening, but I was too busy monitoring Evan & holding Jack to get photos... another bummer. Evan had a great time, despite having to share his friend with others, and he got to eat a super delicious cupcake. Sometimes being a mom means putting down the camera and enjoying the moment!