Here are some of my favorite things about Ev @ 40 months:
*Evan is the sweetest, most loving three-year-old I know. He gives lots of kisses & hugs & likes to say "I love you, mama" when I say "I love you, Evan."

*He can identify a Mustang, KIA Spectra, KIA Sportage, Toyota Corolla, Chrysler Sebring, & Honda CR-V by sight. While we are driving around my mom & I will be talking, and Evan will sit in the backseat and yell: "I see a grey Mustang!" and "There's Grandma's car!" (KIA Sportage) and "I see Uncle Ken's car!" (Chrysler Sebring). It makes our car rides exciting.

*Evan has learned how to use the computer, ride a bike, play the Wii, and put on his sandals this summer. I am so proud of all that he has accomplished in three short months.

*We have been talking to Evan about starting pre-school in the fall, and he is getting super excited. I told him he gets to wear a backpack & we will go school shopping for a new outfit before his first day. I want him to like school & makes new friends & listen to his teacher. I am probably more anxious than he is!
*Evan adores his Auntie Abby. He has slept in her bed many, many times this summer & wears her sunglasses when he can't find his own. He loves to cuddle with her on the couch in the mornings & riding in her "red car."

*He talks about playing with Jayden & Kaity, and how much fun he has with them.
*We spend a lot of our time outside, playing golf or riding bikes. Evan would spend all day outside if he could... unfortunately it's been too hot to be outside the last couple of days. I don't know what we are going to do this fall without a backyard or driveway to play in.

*Cars are still his favorite toys, but he has started playing with other things this summer, too. Thomas Trains are really fun for him, & he also likes playing games. Candyland & Cariboo are his favorites. We also picked up a Playmobil airplane at a garage sale a couple of weeks ago that has been a huge hit.

*The movie Cars has been replaced with Thomas or Bolt or Nemo... and instead of Charlie & Lola, Evan has been watching Sprout TV with my mom.
*Evan is so very special to me, and I hope he knows how much his Daddy & I adore him. Three has been the toughest age for us, and we work daily to keep his behavior on track & his attitude to a minimum. But he is still a great kid, and I will continue to work with him on his weaknesses, while encouraging his strengths. He is constantly amazing me with his tender heart & curious nature.
We love you, Evan.
We are off to the beach tomorrow, so posting will be light. I am hoping to write Jack's three month post Saturday or Sunday, but I don't know if we will have internet access at our hotel, so it might be Monday before it gets done. Have a fantastic weekend!